Pastor Darrell Morgan
Bio: Rev Darrell Morgan - Pastor
Hello, my name is Darrell Morgan, some people call me, Brother Darrell, I have also been called Brother D by many of my young people. You obviously want to know a little more about me since you have clicked on this portion of our web page. I don’t blame you, I would want to know too. My wife Julie and I were appointed to serve God at St. Paul United Methodist church in June of 2015. I have married to the love of my life since 1978 and we moved to Fort Payne not long after we were married and settled in the Dogtown community on Lookout Mountain of Dekalb County Alabama.
I was not raised in the church like many, I did not come to know the Lord until I was twenty eight and my daughter was born. It was at that time that I decided that if I was going to raise a daughter I wanted to be the best father I could be and knowing how my life was, I knew that changes needed to be made, so I did. My wife Julie and I began in church and began growing together in grace and knowledge of Him.
It wasn’t long before the Lord saw I had a heart for Him and He began to use me and my gifts to spread His Word and begin to make a difference in my life and the lives of others. I have a motto that I heard many years ago and it sums up my life in ministry; “If I am not here to make a difference, then what difference does it make whether I am here or not?”
I believe that God has a purpose for each and every one of us, and my ministry reflects that belief. I want to show people how God can make a difference in their lives by showing them how He made a difference in mine.